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For Those Who Want Powerful Brain Retraining Tools Now...

Join A Select Group On A Path Of Freedom & Transformation

Who Are Successfully Retraining Their Brain and Quitting Their Addictions ...

... Without Mental Conflict, Stress, Or Willpower

JUST DONATE $1 TO FEED SOMEONE IN NEED And 'Test Drive' The 'Addiction To Freedom' Awareness Community FREE For 14 Days, And We'll SEND YOU These 3 Gifts For FREE...!

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Just Say "Maybe"

and I'll Send You These 3 Gifts For FREE !

Bonus Gift #1
Yours For Free Today

Masterclass Summary
And Workbook

For Today's Masterclass

Download Now And Follow Along With Todays Masterclass

Bonus Gift #2
Yours For Free Today

Bi-Neural Audio For Sleep, Relaxation, & Confidence

Only Available Here!

Powerful Recordings That Change Your Brainwaves. Play And Experience The Benefits Today.

Bonus Gift #3
Yours For Free Today

The 3 Things All My Successful Clients Do To Quit Addiction

Only Available Here!

Surprisingly Simple, Powerful, Proven Techniques To Help You Quit Addiction, Without Struggle.

Learn More In The Video Below And Sign Up For Free Today!

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Is 'Addiction To Freedom' For You...?

Please Click On All Statements Where Your Answer Is YES!

Tried repeatedly to quit addiction?

You’re not alone. Most people reading this will have tried nearly everything to quit. So I have to acknowledge you for continuing to find something that will work for you.

Fortunately, you are one of the lucky ones who has stumbled onto something unique here.  The key is to keep an open mind, learn how this is different and take action.

Don't want to rely on willpower?

By now you’ve discovered that all the other methods you’ve tried have ended up in a struggle. This is because they are relying on your willpower to make it work.

But this doesn’t work because it just causes conflict between your conscious and sub-conscious mind. (i.e. struggle)

What you need is a method where the conscious and sub-conscious work together… And you’ve just found it!

Can't do another year of addiction?

If you’re here it means that time’s up. You don’t want to be controlled by addiction any more. You’re done with the ill health, the hiding, the guilt (shame), feeling of helplessness, or impact on relationships.

I get it! I’ve been there and see it in everyone that joins my programs.

 So now, let’s use that motivation to learn something new, so you can regain your freedom to choose… and do it without struggle.

Looking for something different?

ABSOLUTELY! Everything you’ve tried in the past has been either a “Faulty” or “Incomplete” solution. That’s why they haven’t worked.

So YOU have NOT failed. It’s these faulty and incomplete methods that have FAILED YOU!

Anxious thinking about quitting?

This is a very normal subconscious reaction that has developed from the pain and struggle that the Faulty & Incomplete methods caused.  So don’t make the mistake of thinking that you need this fear to go away before you try to quit. There’s no need to worry, because with Brain Transformation, there’s no willpower or struggle.

Don't feel ready to quit?

This is really the fear talking! But you are correct, because you’re really not ready, and you won’t be ready until you go through the “Preparation” phase of the Brain Transformation in the Addiction To Freedom Program.

If You Clicked on ANY Of The Statements Above,

Then I Want To Invite You To Join 'Addiction To Freedom' And Transform Your Life Forever!

From: Michael Gregory

To: True Freedom Seeker (YOU)

Let me ask you a question ...

How many times have you looked around at people in your life and realized "I'm different"

You feel like your view of the world is different ...

You don't really feel fulfilled because you're drawn to something DEEPER

Deeper Meaning ...

Deeper Contentment ...

Deeper Connections ...

Deeper Knowledge ...

Deeper Peace & Happiness ...

Remember when ... in 1994,

Nelson Mandela made his famous speech that best describes who "WE" are. He said:

"Our deepest fear is not

that we are inadequate,

Our deepest fear is that

we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light,

not our darkness, that frightens us most."

"And as we let our own light shine

We give give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear,

Our presence automatically liberates others"

And that's who this letter is for ... and who this special offer is for:

The True Freedom Seekers

As Thich Nhat Hanh once said:

"True freedom is the ability to let go of what no longer serves you, making room for growth and transformation."

I was always drawn to deeper meaning in life, believing this to be a better path to long term happiness.

But then as the struggles of ordinary life happened...

I found myself seeking short term relief, which turned into addiction.

First to cigarettes, then alcohol and other things.

First I assumed that I was just...

"making bad choices" or

"wasn’t strong enough" or

"there's something wrong with me."

It wasn’t until I discovered a powerful technique to, literally, make cravings disappear on the spot, that I realized what addiction is all about.

Addiction is 90% Mental!

Once I had mastered the technique for eliminating cravings, I found that my brain had been transformed, because it stopped producing cravings.

I was actually truly free from my addictions..

Over the next few years I helped many people quit smoking by teaching these same techniques.

Then I started getting emails and phone calls from my clients saying that they had given up other addictions with the same techniques, such as alcohol, gambling, marijuana, and other harder drugs.

Not only that, some were saying that many other areas of their life had also improved, such as anxiety, agoraphobia, road rage, nail biting, sex addiction, and many more.

Many reported they had a deeper peace and contentment in their life, which is also what I was experiencing.

It was then that another light bulb flashed in my mind!

Addiction Is Not A Disease For Life, Or About Bad Choices, Or Bad Habits

It's About Your State Of Being!

The brain transformation techniques I'm teaching change your state of being, by ending conflict between your conscious and sub-conscious, so you can access a deeper peace and contentment ...

Then addiction just falls away, without struggle.

Most People Would Choose A

Dopamine Hit Versus Deeper Change

Let’s be honest – We all want to believe that someone can take our addiction away in 60 Minutes!

Unfortunately, that’s the world of today – hollow promises of “feel good” fluff with zero lasting value.

However, when it comes to the actual implementation (aka “work”) to live more authentically … to reset your beliefs and actually change the trajectory of your life…

Most People Are Fine With A"Superficial Fix" Versus "Inner Transformation"

(But I know that's not you, I can tell.)

So, I started being very selective about who I would accept as a client ...

I just shared the teachings I was inspired about with members of my inner circle, the small % of “Freedom Seekers” who were similar to me…

…and they LOVED it!

They were as inspired as I was and wanted more.

They had enough of the “surface” and wanted the DEEPER Transformation!

Eventually, we started this private membership group, where I’d share my new Addiction To Freedom program.Divider

Every month, we’d walk away with transformative advice we could implement into our personal and professional lives and experience incredible growth!

Well, As You Can Imagine…

Soon the private membership wasn’t so “private”...

Word got out – and the number of transformations GREW… in life, free choice, deeper peace, contentment, and emotional freedom …

People were coming out of the woodwork, wanting what we were sharing in my small private membership.

That’s when I knew I had to get this knowledge out to more people.

Even if the majority of the world weren’t as interested or inspired with these teachings as I was…

I knew there were still WAY WAY more “true freedom seekers” that saw the world differently..

I felt it my responsibility to open up and welcome them into this community who are committed to true inner transformation.

So that's why I created the Addiction To Freedom

Awareness Community

It’s a special, inspired group of deep thinkers who are driven to understanding the TRUTH of their own experience.

…the ones who don’t just “like” a motivational quote on Facebook or Instagram, but instead, BECOME the change they want to see in the world.

That's who this is for ...

And if you’ve read all the way up to this point, then odds are, YOU are that person…

And I’d love to have you be part of The Addiction To Freedom, Awareness Community.

But don’t feel like you have to commit to anything right now.

I’m not asking for any big decisions or any of that.

All you have to do is say “maybe” and test-drive Addiction To Freedom Program for FREE for 14 days and see for yourself.


We Have Ever Made!

Just Say "Maybe"

and I'll Send You These 3 Gifts For FREE !

Bonus Gift #1
Yours For Free Today

Masterclass Summary
& Workbook

For Today's Masterclass

Download Now And Follow Along With Todays Masterclass

Bonus Gift #2
Yours For Free Today

Bi-Neural Audio For Sleep, Relaxation, & Confidence

Only Available Here!

Powerful Recordings That Change Your Brainwaves. Play And Experience The Benefits Today.

Bonus Gift #3
Yours For Free Today

The 3 Things All My Successful Clients Do To Quit Addiction

Only Available Here!

Surprisingly Simple, Powerful, Proven Techniques To Help You Quit Addiction, Without Struggle.

Learn More In The Video Below And Sign Up For Free Today!

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To Test-Drive 'Addiction To Freedom' For FREE

Just Donate $1 For Someone In Need & Get A FREE 14 Day Trial Then It’s Just $29/wk. Cancel Anytime.

Here’s What’s In-Store For You

When You Test-Drive The Addiction To Freedom Transformation Membership Today For FREE!

You'll Get "The 3 Free Gifts" (Above) PLUS The Following Member Benefits

Member Benefit #1

The True Quit Method Seminar

The True Quit Method Seminar will quickly give you an overview of the True Quit Method.

This will help you get-up-to-speed quickly, so you'll have confidence that this method makes sense from the start.

You'll understand why this method is different, and how it solves the problems that are not solved by other "faulty & incomplete" methods that have not worked for you in the past.

Member Benefit #2

The Addiction To Freedom Program

Addiction To Freedom is a systematic brain transformation process that uncovers a natural state of peace and contentment, where addiction falls away.

There is no need for willpower or struggle, because the method reduces the conflict in your mind (between the conscious and subconscious).

  • Daily Videos (avg. 5 -10 mins)

  • Weekly Live Q&A Support Groups

  • Live Q&A Replays

  • Bonus Mini-Courses

  • Private Member Community

  • Monthly Community Events

You'll have everything you need. Best of all you'll only need 15 minutes per day to see results.

Member Benefit #3

Live Q&A Support Groups - Weekly

Each week of your program you'll have personal support and expert coaching to ensure that you're understanding and getting results.

  • Daily Videos (avg. 5 -10 mins)

  • Weekly Live Q&A Support Groups

  • Live Q&A Replays

  • Bonus Mini-Courses

  • Private Member Community

  • Monthly Community Events

Most people are surprised how much they learn from each other, and how motivated and supported they feel.

Member Benefit #4

Live Community Seminars - Monthly

Each month, I (Michael) will be picking a topic I want to go deep on. Then we’ll meet as a mastermind group and I’ll pick out the “diamond in the rough” pieces of knowledge and we'll discuss how it relates your current situation with addiction.

  • Monthly deep-dive talk by Michael

  • We'll unpack how it relates to us

  • Group Awareness Practice (brain retraining)

  • Replays will be posted in the community

Most people are surprised how much they learn from each other, and how motivated and supported they feel.

Member Benefit #5

True Awareness Community

Join the community of like minded people who are on the same path to true freedom from addiction.

You'll soon discover that you're not alone, and that much of what you have been through is normal when you've been battling addiction.

It's a tremendous support to be able to talk to others who truely understand you and what you've been through.

  • A community who understands you

  • People who are learning the same skills

  • Private space, outside social media

Now you don't have to hide your addiction. You can talk with others in a safe, understanding space.

Member Benefit #6

Mini-Courses & Challenges

Mini-courses and Challenges are designed to further support your progress in the Addiction To Freedom Program.

  • Deepen your understanding

  • Maintains your momentum

  • Get encouragement from others

  • Increase your brain retraining skills

Many people enjoy the mini-courses and challenges so much that they do them repeatedly.

Member Benefit #7

Even More Full Programs!

Two more full programs are available for those who want to apply the brain transformation skills to other areas of their life.

These programs are:

  • Emotional Freedom Program (80 videos)

  • Living With Awareness Program (85 videos)

The Addiction To Freedom program teaches you powerful brain transformation techniques.

You'll soon realize that you have enormous potential to experience increased freedom emotionally, and in the 8 core areas of your life.

Just Say "Maybe"

Test-Drive Addiction To Freedom Today For FREE!

Subscribe To "Addiction To Freedom" Transformation Membership Today And You'll Get:

THREE FREE gifts which include:

Masterclass Summary & Workbook

Bi-Neural Audio For Sleep, Relaxation, & Confidence

Exclusive Training: "The 3 Things All My Successful Clients Do To Quit Addiction"

The True Quit Method - Overview Seminar

The Addiction To Freedom Program

Live Q&A Support Groups - Weekly

Live Community Seminars - Monthly

True Awareness Community

Mini-Courses & Challenges

2 More Full Programs

Total Value:

Over $4,500

( .. and thats just the three full programs !)

But You Can Start Today For FREE!

What's The Catch?

No catch. I want you to have success. Success (Quitting) is 40% knowledge and 60% skill (your state of being and how you respond) …

…That means in order for you to succeed in anything in life, whether it’s work, relationships, passion projects, or being “happy,” it is absolutely VITAL we spend time where it matters MOST: Our Mind.

If you want to succeed in all areas of life and have a new mindset, one of abundance in all things, then I promise you this – Addiction To Freedom is the key to unlock your full untapped potential, and in the process, become the authentic version of yourself you’ve always wanted, enjoying all of the benefits that comes with this new skill.

Don't Take My Word For It

Test-Drive Addiction To Freedom Today For 14 Days Completely FREE !

Then after the 14 days, if you are blown away by the amount of high-minded value you’ll have access to, and you love the growth you’re already experiencing...

Then you’ll automatically be enrolled as an official Addiction To Freedom Transformation Member and it’s just $29/mo…

However, because you’re here on this page today
(which tells me you resonate with this path,
& are open to achieving incredible success)
- you can lock-in your Addiction To Freedom Transformation Membership for just $29/mo after the 14 day initial FREE trial WITH all of the free gifts!!

Free Gift #1

Free Gift #2

Free Gift #3

Time Is Of The Essesnce!

We have a very limited capacity. Once they’re gone, then this offer goes back to its original
$85 joining fee & $32/wk value
, minus the free gifts

So don’t wait! This special 14-day test-run won’t be up for ever…

100% Satisfaction

If by the off chance you don’t fall in love with the growth mindset you’ll soon be adopting thanks to becoming a Addiction To Freedom Transformation member, then you can cancel within the FREE 14 day trial and keep the free gifts on us 😉

That’s how confident I am about the success you can achieve once you start learning and applying these brain transformation skills, as well as from the members you’ll get to meet in the Addiction To Freedom Awareness community.

But if you’re not happy, then I’m not happy, and I’ll do whatever it takes to make it right.

Here's What To Do Next

From here, it’s just finalizing your subscription so we can send your FREE gifts!

To get started, go ahead and click the button below, and you’ll be able to dive in and start learning right away!

Sign up now and I promise your life won’t be the same.

Here’s to the success you deserve.

Michael Gregory

Just Donate $1 For Someone In Need & Get A FREE 14 Day Trial Then It’s Just $29/wk. Cancel Anytime.

P.S. If you skipped to the bottom, then you must be looking for the “summary” of the offer...

So here’s the deal - when you say “maybe” today and test-drive the Addiction To Freedom Transformation Membership, I’m going send you THREE FREE gifts that can help you on your path to success in ending addiction, and experiencing much greater satisfaction in your life!

You get it ALL FOR FREE right now, when you sign up on this page today.

Imagine what your life could FEEL like after watching the videos and practicing the brain transformation skills from someone who first discovered the method to quit without struggle, and who has helped 1000's ...

Imagine the anxiety you get from your addiction disappearing, because you finally found a Truly COMPLETE SOLUTION!

It’s possible, because it’s already within you. you just need a guide to help you access the solution within you.

The Addiction To Freedom Community is the key to unlock your freedom from addiction and live your life by design, not by default.

But You Can Start Today For FREE!

and claim your FREE gifts before they’re gone for good!

Just Donate $1 For Someone In Need & Get A FREE 14 Day Trial Then It’s Just $29/wk. Cancel Anytime.


Frequently Asked Questions

How does the free trial work?

Test-drive the Addiction To Freedom Transformation Membership & Community for a full 14 days. We just ask that you donate $1 to help someone in need. Also, we’ll immediately send you the 3 FREE gifts. Then, after the initial 14-day test-run, if you can’t get enough of the incredible insight and applied psychology for exponential growth, we’ll automatically enrol you as an official Addiction To Freedom Transformation member for just $32/mo, cancel anytime.

Who is this for?

This is for you if you want to end your addictions without willpower, struggle or weight gain.And if you’ve always thought about things more deeply, and been interested how the mind works, then you’ll absolutely love this.

What if I'm not satisfied with my membership?

This is highly unlikely. Wait until you receive your initial welcome gift, and you’ll see what I mean…With that said, if you are not 100% satisfied … then you can cancel anytime.

Is there a guarantee?

ABSOLUTELY! You can test drive Addiction To Freedom for a full 14 days risk free, and if you don’t like us, then you can simply email my team and we’ll cancel your membership without hassle, and you can keep the free gifts on us. 😉

How much does it cost?

Today, and for a very limited time, you can sign up completely free! We simply ask that you donate $1 to help someone in need.

Also, we’ll immediately send you your e FREE gifts.

Then, after the initial 14-day test-run, if you can’t get enough of the incredible insight and applied psychology for exponential growth, we’ll automatically enroll you as an official Addiction To Freedom Transformation member for just $32/mo, cancel anytime.

Why do I need to donate $1 if it's free?

The 3 GIFTS are yours to keep FREE, even if you don’t continue with as a Addiction To Freedom member after the 14 day test-run.

Donating $1 to help someone in need, shows us that you’re genuinely interested in testing out the Addiction To Freedom program. It’s also our way of finding out who will be a good fit for our community.

Can I just find this content elsewhere online?

No. All of the content published in the Addiction To Freedom program are not available anywhere else online.

After spending over 30 years studying and practicing many ancient and modern healing systems, Michael created this unique method to end addiction and since helped 1000’s with his programs.

Great! Where can I sign up for Addiction To Freedom?

Awesome!! You can sign up for Addiction To Freedom Membership & Community on this page. Simply click the button below and fill out your details and we’ll send out your FREE gifts!

Click or Tap The Button Below

To Test-Drive 'Addiction To Freedom' For FREE

Just Donate $1 For Someone In Need & Get A FREE 14 Day Trial Then It’s Just $29/wk. Cancel Anytime.

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